Wednesday, September 29, 2010

So another update of what I've been up to. I left Portland yesterday and got to Seattle around 4 pm to meet up with Rachael (my friend from SF) and stay at her place with her boyfriend. The drive up 5 was beautiful and only took a couple hours. We walked around a sweet looking park called Volunteer Park which had a greenhouse, Asian Art Museum, reservoir, Dahlia gardens and a rock castle/spire thingie which you could walk to the top of. I got some cool pictures around the area before we went to eat dinner at this place called Smith in the Capitol Hill district of Seattle. Here's what I was doing before I left Portland.

Sunday - Played a pickup game Sunday afternoon in the SW part of town. It was a pretty chill group: couple girls, two young brothers and the rest were twenties dudes. I forgot what it was like to get out and run, cut and bid for discs. Especially throwing disc golfs recently it wasn't so easy to throw deep, but it all came back eventually. After a couple hours I went to eat this Hot Cake House which gave me a huge chicken fried steak and hashbrowns meal. Damn it was good!

Monday - I went to karaoke Monday night at ChopsticksII with Nicole and met up with her friend Carsten once we got there. I got up and sang Tom Jones' "It's Not Unusual" in my usual manner. It's pretty much the one song I sing if I ever do karaoke. Nicole sang a song from the Dreamgirls movie and then did a duet with Carsten (don't remember the song name). Carsten finished up the night with Fastball's "The Way." I remember owning the Fastball cd when I was a kid. Wow, so long ago, I don't even know what happened to it.

That cool 'black sun' sculpture (which supposedly inspired soundgarden's black hole sun song)(and also look and see the space needle peeking through the hole!!) was located in the park as well.

I'm going to be in the Olympia/Seattle area for the next few days so if anybody wants to meet up for lunch or to show me some cool sights I would totally be down to hangout. Also, if anybody knows of any cool events going on I would appreciate it before I leave, which will most likely be sometime this weekend. Take care everybody!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Okay, so here is my update for the last week which I nee to catch up on.

So last Monday and Tuesday (20th) I played some pool at this place called Goodfoot.

That's Ryan and Mike up there in the pic. I went to high school with Ryan and have been staying at his house this whole week. I just met Mike this week and we've actually hung out quite a bit this week. We played disc golf Friday and Saturday at Pier Park and Horning's Hideaway respectively, and had a lot of fun. Both the courses were located in beautiful wooded areas rich with the wet smell of a forest....... so cool.

We met up with these 2 guys in front of us and joined them because it was going slowly early on. They were cool dudes: Eric and Dylan. In the 4 guy picture, Eric is the one with no shirt on and Dylan is the other guy next to Mike. After we got done playing the course, Eric tells me he is in a local band and they're playing a show at this house party with 3 other bands in Portland Saturday night. That sounded rad so I got his number and I went out to the party last night. It rocked so hard. All of the bands were great. Some highlights were this cool chick who played the violin (so hot in a rock band), this one band which consisted of 3 bassists and 2 drummers and a random rap battles during the intermission. Apparently the house also has quarterly beer pong tournaments in their basement which looked so cool, I'm just sad that I probably will never get to play there. Did I mention they had a keg of

On Wednesday night I went bowling with Nicole (Ryan's roommate) and a couple I met back in July: Caleb and Anna. Caleb and Anna get really competitive and so it was great making small wagers on who would win and it made the games so much fun.

The last pic is one of our scores (there's yours truly on top with the big 133, woot!) (also notice the names of the players bowling next to us)

Phew, that was kinda epic-ish. Rock on everyone.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Update 2

Good afternoon everybody! So let me detail the last few days for you.

Saturday - It was raining pretty good around here but me and Matt decided to go across town and play the disc golf course at Rockwood park. The first 9 holes were spread over the park and generally the holes were open and calm. The back 9 was across the street and was a bit more difficult due to the closeness of the redwoods (it resembled the Golden Gate Park course). We had a great time throwing the discs around and withint 2 hours we were on our way back. Saturday night I went to a party where everybody was taking this thing called "Molly." I joined in on the fun, taking a white capsule around 10 pm with everybody else. Apparently the pill was a small dosage of pure MDMA, not mixed with any other derivatives. I had a great time that night. We ate a bunch of candy, walked around the block a couple times (met a nice older couple who were taking a little girl's bike out for a ride (weird!)), snuggled on a large bed which took up an entire room, talked about Star Trek and finished up at a local park where I did some 'sword fighting.' I came down around 4 am and decided to walk home with Matt to rest and relieve my upset stomach (too much candy!).

Sunday- I woke up late and walked to Caleb's house to watch football with people. In the evening, I took a batch of mushrooms and walked to a park with some people. I laid on my back on the grass and let the trip begin. The white sky started to look like oil and water mixed: bright colors, lots of dots, wavyness, like the sky was being painted as I watched. The trees around me were flickering in and out of existence and seemed at times to bear in on me. After we left the park I went to some guy's house and played the greatest game ever (at the time :)): Flower. The bright colors on the Widescreen HD TV were amazing! I felt like I was in control of the wind and the petals even while I wasn't playing. It felt like everything was happening for a reason. My emotions were going crazy and I was in love with everything. I was getting nostalgic about events which occured only 5 minutes ago. We watched Venture Brothers and Planet Earth to finish up the night. It was quite the trip.

Monday - My stomach wasn't feeling too hot from the day before, and I stayed in bed for most of the day. When I finally got up I went to a local souvenir shop to buy some postcards and knick knacks. Shortly after, Ryan and I went to a place called Fire on the Mountain to watch Monday Night Football (the Niners lost of course) and I ate a jamaican jerk burger with a 2 dollar pint of beer (what a deal!). Ryan and I left to go to Dustin'shouse to play Halo: Reach which we rented earlier in the day. We played through some of the campaign and then played a few hours of the Multiplayer. The game looked great and I could see myself playing a lot of it once I set my Xbox 360 up somewhere permanent.

Tuesday - Woke up super late today and went to the local Fred Meyer grocery store to buy some onions and green beans for lunch. Not sure what today will hold... staying in town until at least Friday and then it is up to Washington for some more Pacific Northwest action. See yall soon!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

So after sleeping in a bit, I finally headed out from Redwood City. Wendell the Explorer was washed and vacuumed and full of assorted mentionables (and unmentionables). I picked Matt up for the ride to Portland and we were on our way.

I made a quick pit-stop in Gerber, CA to get some sweets and baked goods from my parents. We took 5 all the way to Portland and ran into some heavy towards Eugene but nothing too sketchy. Of course Wendell took his sweet time going up and over the various passes, but on level ground the ride was smooth and pristine.

We arrived in Portland around midnight and started hanging out with Ryan and his friends, drinking PBR (I had the Natty Light, of course) and humming old Nickelodeon theme songs. After an eventful King's Kup game, we all left for Ryan's house and some rest around 2 am.

I love that this is finally here. I'm not sure how long I'll be in Portland; there is no real time-table for when I'll be moving on. I think I'll go to the disc golf course today and make the most of this muggy, rainy Oregon weather.